Press release – Panel for Appeals in the interest of the Law in its session of 22 June 2020

High Court of Review and Justice


In its session of 22 June 2020, High Court of Review and Justice – Panel for Appeals in the interest of the Law, lawfully established in the case, considered an appeal in the interest of the law, and returned the following Judgment:

Judgment #14 in case #957/1/2020

Sustains the appeal in the interest of the law brought by the Collegiate Management Body of the Court of Appeals Galaţi and consequently rules that:

In the uniform interpretation and application of the stipulations of Art. 472 and Art. 491 in the Civil Procedure Code, an applicable appeal or appeal on law cannot be restricted to the objects of the main appeal or appeal on law but can include any other findings that are part of the orders issued under the challenged judgment and/or their justifications.

Obligatory, as under Art. 517 para. (4) in the Civil Procedure Code.

Returned in public session today, 22 June 2020.

After the justification is written and the Judgment signed it shall be published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I.