Press release – Panel for the Clarification of Certain Points of Law in Civil Matters in its session of 4 October 2021

High Court of Review and Justice 


In its session of the 4th of October 2021 the High Court of Review and Justice– Panel for the Clarification of Certain Points of Law in Civil Matters, lawfully established in the Case, considered a requests for a preliminary ruling for the clarification of certain points of law, and returned the following Judgments:

Decision #69 in Case #1972/1/2021

 Denies as inadmissible the request brought by the Tribunal Suceava – Chamber I for Civil Matters, in Case #1313/314/2019*, for a preliminary ruling on the following point of law:

If the provisions of Art. 6 and Art.8 in Law No 77/2016 on the payment of immovable property with a view to extinguishing the obligations undertaken through the credits, as amended or supplemented, are understood or not to mean that the suspension of any payment to the creditor, and any judicial or extrajudicial proceedings initiated by the creditor shall take place both in the case of the notification provided for in Article 5 para. (1) in Law No 77/2016, and in the case of an action promoted by the debtors pursuant to Article 8 para. (5) in Law No 77/2016.

Obligatory, as under Art. 521 para. (3) in the Civil Procedure Code.

Returned in public session today, the 4th of October 2021.

After the justification is written and the Judgment signed it shall be published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I.