High Court of Review and Justice
In its hearing of 7 February 2022, the Panel for the Settlement of Appeals in the Interest of the Law the High Court of Review and Justice, legally established in the case, settled an appeal in the interest of the law, and returned the following judgment:
Judgment no. 3 in case no. 2972/1/2021
The Panel admits the appeal in the interest of the law filed by the General Prosecutor of the Prosecutors’ Office under the High Court of Review and Justice and, as a result, establishes that:
Based on the consistent interpretation and application of the stipulations of Art. 13 para. (1) item a) of Government Emergency Order no. 27/2006 on Remuneration and other Rights of Judges, Prosecutors and other Categories of Staff in the Justice System, as approved by Law no. 45/2007, as subsequently amended, for the calculation of the per diem from which judges, prosecutors, the staff assimilated to them and assistant magistrates benefit when they are temporarily transferred or seconded to a locality other than that of their domicile, only the time effectively worked shall be considered, and not all calendar days included in the calculation of the delegation or secondment period, as applicable.
Mandatory, pursuant to the stipulations of Art. 517 para. (4) of the Civil Procedure Code.
Returned in public hearing today, 7 February 2022.
After the considerations are drafted, and the judgment is signed, it will be published in Part I of the Official Journal of Romania.
Information and Public Relations Office