Main international events to which High Court of Cassation and Justice took part during May 2022:
■ 22 -24 May 2022 - Seminar "Techniques for the protection of private subjects in contrast with public authorities: actions and remedies - liability and compliance" and General Assembly of the Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union (ACA-Europe), events organized by Council of State of Italy in collaboration with ACA-Europe in Rome, Italy.
■ 16 -17 May 2022 - the hird iteration of the Europe and Eurasia Electoral Justice Network, organized by International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), in Skopje, North Macedonia.
■ 15 -17 May 2022 - Conference of Chief Justices of Central and Eastern Europe, that took place in Prague, Czech Republic, organized by Central and Eastern European Law Initiative (CEELI Institute) in cooperation with the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic.
■ 5 -7 May 2022 - Colloquium organized by Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union, entitled “Open Data and Artificial Intelligence”, that took place in Stochkolm, Sweden. The Colloquium focused on the publication of case law and the working procedures of Supreme Courts in the fast-evolving digital society.
Main international events to which High Court of Cassation and Justice took part during 1st of January – 1st of December 2021:
■ 21st October 2021 - Network of The Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of The European Union „The Covid-19 Crisis & The Functioning Of Supreme Courts”, Videoconference
■ 17th – 20th October 2021 – 11th Conference of Chief Justices of Central and Eastern Europe, Bled, Slovenia
■ 12th October 2021 – Digital Justice Ministerial Forum 2021, online
■ 3rd – 5th October 2021 - Seminar organised by the Council of State of Italy and ACA-Europe „Law, Courts and Guidelines for the Public Administration”, Fiesole, Italy
■ 31st of August - 4th September 2021- Judicial Year Opening Ceremony 2021-2022 and International Symposium On Excellence In High Courts Of Appeal, Ankara, Turkey
■ 31st of May 2021 – General Meeting and Colloquium „ReNEUAL II” organized by videoconference by the Association of State Councils and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions in the European Union (ACA)
■ 27th of May 2021 – Online event organized by the International Association of Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions entitled „Administrative courts and COVID-19 – Crisis management and preparation for a new normal in Middle East and North Africa”
■ 26th – 27th of April 2021 – Online conference organized by the Network of Presidents of Supreme Courts of Justice in the European Union by e-Justice Program with the theme „For a people-centered e-justice”
■ 23rd of April 2021 – General Meeting of Network of Presidents of Supreme Courts of Justice in the European Union, organized by videoconference
Main organizations:
1) Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union
Obligations: at the request of the Network of Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union, High Court of Cassation and Justice formulates answers regarding the national legislations or various issues of law.
Also, High Court of Cassation and Justice has the possibility to address questions, through the Network Secretariat, regarding the legislation of European Union member states or regarding various issues of law.
2) AHJUCAF (Association of High Courts of Cassation from French speaking countries)
Obligations: transmission of answers regarding various issues of law at the request of the association, as well as the regular use of relevant jurisprudence, translated into French, for the purpose of publication on the website
3) Association of Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union
Obligations: transmission of answers regarding various points of law, at the request of the association.
Pursuant to Law no. 182/2007, High Court of Cassation and Justice joined the Association of Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union, by the Administrative and Fiscal Division.
4) International Association of High Administrative Courts (AIHJA)
Obligation: transmission of answers on various points of law, at the association's request.
Regarding the Network of Presidents of European Union Supreme Court of Justice, AHJUCAF, Association of Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European Union and the International Association of High Administrative Courts (AIHJA), the High Court of Cassation and Justice has the obligation to pay a membership fee.
5) Superior Courts Network (SCN), functioning under the protection of the European Court of Human Rights
Obligations: at the request of the Superior Courts Network (SCN), the High Court of Cassation and Justice formulates answers regarding the national legislation or various issues connected to the enforcement of the Convention for the defense of human rights and fundamental liberties.
Also, the High Court of Cassation and Justice has the possibility to address questions, through the Network Secretariat, regarding the legislation of member states of the Network or regarding various points of law related to the application of the Convention.
The Department of legislation, studies, documentary and legal computing was assigned Network correspondent.
Other organizations:
6) The European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment
7) Consultative Council of European Judges
8) European Expertise and Expert Institute (IEEE)
9) European Law Institute (ELI)
10) European Judicial Network (EJN)
Within all these organizations, the High Court of Cassation and Justice has the obligation to answer to their requests regarding the national legislation and various issues of law, to fill in the questionnaires sent by the organizations related to various points of law, pursuant to the requests of the organizations.
2023 Rule of Law Report: Country Chapter on the rule of law situation in Romania
2022 Rule of Law Report: Country Chapter on the rule of law situation in Romania
ACA-Europe Report: The Supreme Administrative Courts in Times of COVID-19 - A lesson learned
Competences of Courts in inheritance cases (Answers from the Supreme Courts of the European Union - collected by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia)
Report on Eurojust's Casework in the Field of the European Arrest Warrant - June 2021
The 2021 EU Justice Scoreboard
Cybercrime Judicial Monitor - Issue 6 - May 2021