Accreditation rules
Pursuant to the provisions of art. 109 para. (1) letter f) of the Regulation regarding administrative organization and functioning of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, republished, with subsequent modifications and completions, the Bureau of information and public relations grants, without discrimination, within maximum two days from the registration, accreditation to journalists and mass-media representatives.
In order to obtain accreditation, the interested journalists are invited to submit a written request, using the following form.
Pursuant to the Guide of good practices in relation between the judicial system and mass-media, approved by Decision no. 197/2019 of the Superior Magistracy Council Plenum, the communication structure manages the activity of accreditation of mass-media representatives at the level of judiciary establishments.
Accreditation of mass-media representatives is done on the grounds of written, phone or verbal request in which the following are mentioned:
- person’s name and surname and the press institution for which the accreditation is requested, if applicable;
- contact data of the person requesting accreditation;
- a copy of the identity document and of the service card or other similar document.
The verbal request addressed by mass-media representatives shall be completed with documents mentioned by the Law no. 544/2001 in order to approve accreditation.
Accreditations shall be granted on a calendar year and shall be renewed at request.
Accreditation means that the courts shall transmit in real time to mass-media institutions and their representatives press releases published on their own web pages, invitation of accredited journalists to conferences, press statements and other public event type activities.